Spoofing Explained

How I Met Your Mother Have you ever watched the episode entitled “The Playbook” (05×08) of How I met your Mother? If you haven’t, you are missing twenty-four minutes of entertainment. And if you have, well, you do have a concrete representation of what spoofing looks like. Spoofing is the action of pretending to be …

Do you need a VPN?

Do you need a VPN? VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are mostly used in corporate settings to avoid spending on creating a private protected network, but lately many private consumers have been adopting these tools to secure their connections. The question is: do you really need one? How does a VPN work? When connecting to a …

Why do we need a student association for cyber security?

What is Cyber security? What are the risks that can emerge from a low level of IT security? But most importantly, why do we need a student association for Cyber security? Find the answer to all these questions in our first report! Two weeks ago, our University was attacked by a group of hackers. In …